Worked-Out Example 0 ==================== Decrypting a Password ..................... Problem: crack an encrypted file by brute force. Assume that the password is a five-letter lower-case word and that you know that the plain text contains my name. (The complete code for this example and a secret message comes with the `jug source `__) This is the ultimate parallel problem: try very many keys (26**5 ~ 11M), but there is no interaction between the different tasks. The brute force version is very simple: .. code-block:: python for p in product(letters, repeat=5): text = decode(ciphertext, p) if isgood(text): passwd = "".join(map(chr, p)) print('%s:%s' % (passwd, text)) However, if we have more than one processor, we'd like to be able to tell ``jug`` to use multiple processors. We cannot simply have each password be its own task: 11M tasks would be too much! So, we are going to iterate over the first letter and a task will consist of trying every possibility *starting* with that letter: .. code-block:: python @TaskGenerator def decrypt(prefix, suffix_size): res = [] for p in product(letters, repeat=suffix_size): text = decode(ciphertext, np.concatenate([prefix, p])) if isgood(text): passwd = "".join(map(chr, p)) res.append((passwd, text)) return res @TaskGenerator def join(partials): return list(chain(*partials)) fullresults = join([decrypt([let], 4) for let in letters]) Here, the ``decrypt`` function returns a list of all the good passwords it found. To simplify things, we call the ``join`` function which concatenates all the partial results into a single list for convenience. Now, run ``jug``: .. code-block:: bash $ jug execute & $ jug execute & $ jug execute & $ jug execute & You can run as many simultaneous processes as you have processors. To see what is happening, type: .. code-block:: bash $ jug status And you will get an output such as:: Task name Waiting Ready Finished Running ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- jugfile.join 1 0 0 0 jugfile.decrypt 0 14 8 4 ........................................................................................ Total: 1 14 8 4 There are two task functions: ``decrypt``, of which 8 are finished, 14 are ready to run, and 4 are currently running; and ``join`` which has a single instance, which is ``waiting``: it cannot run until all the ``decrypt`` tasks have finished. Eventually, everything will be finished and your results will be saved in directory ``jugdata`` in files with names such as ``jugdata/5/4/a1266debc307df7c741cb7b997004f`` The name is simply a hash of the task description (function and its arguments). In order to make sense of all of this, we write a final script, which loads the results and prints them on stdout: .. code-block:: python import jug jug.init('', 'jugdata') import jugfile results = jug.task.value(jugfile.fullresults) for p, t in results: print("%s\n\n Password was '%s'" % (t, p)) ``jug.init`` takes the jugfile name (which happens to be ````) and the data directory name. ``jug.task.value`` takes a ``jug.Task`` and loads its result. It handles more complex cases too, such as a list of tasks (and returns a list of their results).